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HomeTravel Tips and TricksCovid-19, Finally the Resumption of Travel? the Complete Point and Our Advice

Covid-19, Finally the Resumption of Travel? the Complete Point and Our Advice

The health crisis that has been going on for a year and a half has turned all travel upside down! You had hoped go abroad this summer but your flights were canceled? Your travels are constantly pushed back ? How to travel today in France, Europe and elsewhere in the world? There resumption of travelis it for now?

We take stock of the situation today and what can expect us in the coming months.

Traveling in Europe is greatly facilitated by the health pass!

Thanks to our online tool on information related to Covid-19 and travel, you will find which country is accessible (depending on your vaccination status). Good news, since July 1, 2021, the health pass which is presented in European format opens up all the countries of Europe for great trips! It can be read anywhere in Europe, directly in the app TousAntiCovid or in paper format, in French and English.

Each European country applies its own rules for entry into its territory. If for the moment Europe is open to European travelersdecisions changing regularly depending on the epidemic situation it is essential to check the status of the country before leaving.

Border countries: Germany, Belgium, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, Luxembourg

Be sure to find out about the precise conditions of each European country, paying attention to the means of transport. In fact the restrictions are not the same if you arrive by land or air !

  • In Spainany passenger arriving by plane or boat, including in transit, must complete a form. Furthermore, the Spanish Ministry of Health has qualified certain French regions “at risk”.
  • Germany also classifies “high risk areas”. Travelers must comply with specific obligations such as declaring themselves online, quarantining or reporting the appearance of symptoms.
  • In Sicily, A rapid test is requested upon arrival in the territory, even if you are vaccinated or if you have taken a test before departure. If the result is positive, you will be placed in isolation. This is currently valid until 1er September 2021.
  • In Switzerland, people fully vaccinated are exempt from several health measures upon entry. Also note that the country recognizes health pass issued by EU member states.
  • In Luxembourg, health measures remain in force until September 14, 2021 for any travel by air. In particular, you will need to present a health pass upon boarding.
  • Finally in Belgium, you are not required to present a certificate or test or observe quarantine.
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Of course, the barrier gestures (wearing a mask, distancing, hand gel, etc.) are still relevant throughout Europe.

The return of cruises is finally here!

Since the start of the pandemic in March 2020, virtually no cruise ships had left port. Since the beginning of July 2021, some cruises have resumed. With the positive development of the health situationit will once again be possible to sail the waters of the whole world and make a stopover in popular destinations!

A vacation in France is still a good idea!

Summer holidays in France often rhyme with camping, relaxing and night outings ! But the health situation has largely compromised the “return to normal life” that we all expected. While restrictions were lifted in May (reopening of cultural venues, end of curfew, etc.) and in June (increase in gauges in performance halls, etc.), new limitations arrived at the end of July then at the beginning of August.

But, good news: with the health pass there are few restrictions for a great vacation in France !


  • Camping holidays : since July 21, 2021, you must present a health pass at the entrance to campsites with a performance hall or aquatic area. Campsites with a bar or restaurant are subject to this obligation. since August 9.
  • Cultural and leisure outings : since July 21, cultural places bringing together more than 50 people had to request a health pass. The gauge is deleted to August 9. Now, presentation of the health pass is obligatory from the first visitor. This obligation also extends to bars and restaurants. If you want to fully enjoy your vacation, go out and eat outdoors, you will undoubtedly need present your QR Code.

In summary, if you have a valid health passgoing on vacation to France this summer will be very easy for you!

Further travel is possible in some destinations!

To keep up to date with global travel conditions, visit the France Diplomatie website. It provides you with all the necessary travel advice country by country.

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Where is it possible to travel outside of Europe?

It feels like the world is completely closed to travelers, but it's wrong ! Many destinations are open for travel. Some require a vaccine and/or a PCR test while others impose no restrictions!

  • Mexico, Colombia, Costa Rica and the Dominican Republic open their doors to you without requiring any vaccine or PCR test!
  • Many countries do not require vaccination, but however require a PCR test before departure. Among these countries, we can cite: Peru, Brazil, the Bahamas, South Africa, Namibia, Tanzania, Egypt, Cape Verde and Turkey.
  • Other countries open to tourists on the other hand, require full vaccination (and sometimes a PCR test), like Morocco, Tunisia, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Seychelles, Norway, Thailand or the United Kingdom.

The return of travel is postponed for many other destinations

  • New Zealand and Australia : From the start of the pandemic, New Zealand and Australia strictly closed their borders to non-residents. The reopening is not not planned before the end of 2021. And nothing is certain for 2022!
  • Canada : Canada has suffered months of border closures. There provisional date of September 7, 2021 is set for reopening to vaccinated people.
  • Japan : No French citizens cannot currently enter Japan without a visa. We can hope for an opening of the borders only at start of 2022.
  • UNITED STATES : Border entry restrictions are still in effect in the United States. However, the government is developing a new system allowing the reopening of borders to vaccinated people. However, from today it is possible to travel to the United States, provided you spend at least 14 days in a “green” country for the United States…
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As you can observe, unsurprisingly, vaccination represents the main condition for travel sustainably again. No one has a crystal ball to know how the health situation will evolve but we can only note that having a health pass makes and will greatly facilitate movement.



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